2017小学英语综合测试题精选_考试指导 - 查字典小学网
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( ) 1. Do you have _________ to read ?

A. anything elseB.something elseC.else anythingD.anything some( ) 2. Mr Green ________ a play last Sunday.

A. seeB. seesC. sawD.is seeing( ) 3. Mike is very fat. He is _________ than Liu Tao.

A. olderB. heavierC. youngerD clever( ) 4. Whose dresses are these? They are _____________ .

A. twinsB.twins’C. twin’sD twin( ) 5. The clock has two hands .The _______ hand is the hour hand.

A.longB.shortC. longerD other( ) 6. My aunt has a brother.He is not my uncle.Who is he ? He is your _________.

A.brotherB sisterC fatherD mother( ) 7.The birds are singing _______________.

A. happyB. happyC. happilyD very much happy( ) 8. Jack, go to bed . It’s ___________ twelve.

A. onB. inC atD.about( ) 9. _______ do you want to ________?

A. Whose; writeB. Who; write toC. Who; writeD which ; write with( ) 10. There are __________ on the floor.

A.three bag of riceB. three bags of riceC. three bags of ricesD three bag of rice二、根据句意,选择恰当的词填空。

Need,postcard,bookshop,cold,warm,Let’s,hotel,envelope1. We often buy books in the ________.

2. Lanlan, please post the _________ for me.

3. Mr Black is from the UK. He’s living in a _______ in Nanjing.

4. Can I have the stamp on the ________?

Yes, here you are.

5. It’s a _______ day today. _______ go to the countryside to pick apples.

6. It’s ____ in Beijing most of the time in January. You _____to buy some warm clothes.


1. A. Does Jim jump as high as Mike?

B. Really? But Jim is taller than Mike.

C. No, Mike jumps higher than Jim.

D. Yes, Mike jumps higher than all his classmates.

__________ ___________ ___________ __________

2. A. Yes, I’d love to.

B. I’m going to play cards with my friends.

C. What are you going to do this afternoon?

D. Would you like to go with us?

__________ ___________ __________ __________-

3. A. I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you?

B. What’s the weather like in autumn?

C. It’s cool and cloudy. It’s sometimes rainy.

D. I usually go rowing.

E. What do you usually do in the season?

__________ __________ __________ ___________ ____________

4. A. How about this blue one?

B. Yes, I’d like a coat for my daughter.

C. Can I help you?

D. It’s very nice. I‘ll take it.

E. It’s pretty, but it’s too big.

F. How about this yellow one? It’s smaller than the blue one.

G. Do you have any smaller ones?

_______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______


Last Sunday afternoon, Nancy 1 in a bookshop. She wanted to buy a book 2 animals. Suddenly she saw a short man behind 3 . The man stole her purse and ran 4 the shop. She followed him along the street, but he

5 than her. She shouted,“ Stop thief! Stop thief!” At that time a policeman came to help. Then a woman came and told them, “ I saw him. He ran 6 the street and 7 left at the 8 crossing.” The policeman started to run. He ran faster than the 9 . Soon he stopped the thief and I got my 10 back.

( ) 1. A. is B. be C. was

( ) 2. A. about B. in C. for

( ) 3. A. she  B. her   C. hers

( ) 4. A out   B. out of  C. into

( ) 5. A. runs faster   B. ran faster C. run fast

( ) 6. A. along B. at   C. behind

( ) 7. A. turned   B. turn C. turning

( ) 8. A. one  B. first  C. a

( ) 9. A. thief B. girl   C. woman

( ) 10. A. book B. bag C. purse

五、阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成下列句子 。

Dear Helen,

I’m on the farm in America now. Every day it’s sunny and warm. There are a lot of children on the farm. I work and play games with them. Now I’m writing the letter in the house. Jack is learning to swim. Terry is lying (躺) in the sun. John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are going to milk cows tomorrow, so we have to get up earlier tomorrow morning.

We enjoy (享受) the holiday very much.

See you soon.



1. ___________ is in America now.

2. It’s __________ and _________ there every day.

3. She ___________ __________ a letter in the ___________.

4. The children are on the__________(度假) on the _________.

5. They are going to _________ _________ tomorrow. So they should get up _______.

6. They are ____________ a good time there.

六、改错 。

1 We two are all students. _________

2 They are in different class. _______

3 Today is Teacher’s day. _________

4 The girl in the red bike is Wang Fang. _____

5 How many water do you have ? ___________

6 Let he have a look at your book. ___________












