2016年小学六年级英语毕业会考试卷_考试指导 - 查字典小学网
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( )1.A. mouse B. mouth C. house D. month

( )2. A. problem B. project C. subject D. object

( )3. A. theatre B. thief C. thirsty D. thirty

( )4. A. contest B. concert C. costume D. continue

( )5. A. sang B. drunk C. written D. sun

( )6. A. model B. modern C. middle D. riddle

( )7. A. elephant B. envelope C. develope D. everybody

( )8. A. quick B. quickly C. quiet D. quietly

( )9. A. rectangle B. triangle C. square D. diamond

( )10. A. 8:15 B. 9:15 C. 8:45 D. 9:05


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. I’m sorry. B. That’s OK. C. You’re welcome.

( )2. A. It’s in November.B. It’s the 25th of December. C. It’s in December.

( )3. A. It’s very hot. B. It’s very cold. C. It’s cool.

( )4. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, this is Peter. C. No, I’m Peter.

( )5. A. It’s Saturday. B. It’s on the 16th of January. C. It’s Jan. 16th.


( )1. A. Eighteen yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Thirty-three yuan, I think.

( )2. A. Yes, he does. B. He likes winter best. C. No, he likes winter.

( )3. A. Collecting stamps. B. Taking pictures. C. Keeping cats.

( )4. A. 138 centimetres. B. 140 cm. C. 136 cm.

( )5. A. It’s the 27th of Feb. B. On the 26th of Feb. C. It’s Wednesday.


Ann is an English girl. She and her ________ ________ to China five years ago. She ________ English.She can also speak a little Chinese. She is in Shanghai. She ________ in a middle school of Shanghai. She ________ ________ on weekdays. She usually plays games ________ her Chinese friends. Her father ________ in Shanghai. He ________ English in Ann’s school. Ann and her father love Chinese food. And they like China and the Chinese people very much. But they’re going ________ to their country next year.



( )1. A. Thursday B. hurt C. her D. singer

( )2. A. bowl B. house C. brown D. cow

( )3. A. wait B. grade C. sweater D. break

( )4. A. mouth B. think C. clothes D. earth

( )5. A. child B. Christmas C. March D. touch


1.要求得到________ ________ 2.参加比赛________ ________ in the contest

3.明年春天________ ________ 4.了解你的一切know ________ ________ you

5.第三站________ ________ stop 6.沿着这条路走________ ________ the road

7.散步________ a ________ 8.和他们一样强壮as ________ as ________

9.飞得低________ ________ 10.体育方面好________ ________ in PE


( )1. Nancy can’t find her bike, so she goes to the teacher ________ help.

A. to B. for C. of D. with

( )2. There ________ a football match next Tuesday.

A. will have B. will be C. is having D. will give

( )3. Let the old woman ________ the bus first.

A. get on B. gets on C. to get on D. getting

( )4. Wang Bing and Liu Tao like playing baseball.

They ________ have the same ________.

A. both; hobbies B. all; hobby C. both; hobby D. all; hobbies

( )5. What ________ your father going to buy ________ you?

A. are; for B. is; to C. is; for D. does; for

( )6. It’s time ________ you ________ have lunch.

A. for; for B. to; for C. to; to D. for; to

( )7. My cousin, Linda’s e-mail address is ________.

A. Linda@London.com B. Linda@london.com

C. linda@London.com D. linda@london.com

( )8. The American boy would like ________ his penfriend.

A. to is B. is C. be D. to be

( )9. Liu Ying’s new house is ________ River Street now.

She ________ here last month.

A. in; moved B. on; move C. in; move D. on; moved

( )10. New York is a city of the ________.

A. UK B. USA C. PRC D. Macao



( )1. What is Betty doing now? A. Of course.

( )2. Where are you going? B. Jim is.

( )3. What’s seventy-nine minus seventy? C. She’s writing an e-mail.

( )4. How old is the little dog? D. I’m going to the Renming Theatre.

( )5. Who’s on duty today? E. The ones on the table.

( )6. Shall we turn off the tap? F. It’s nine.

( )7. Whose comic books are they? G. It’s two years old.

( )8. What time did your uncle get home? H. We’re going to see a play.

( )9. Which glasses are theirs? I. At four yesterday afternoon.

( )10. What are you going to do tonight? J. It’s my dog.

K. They’re ours.

L. It’s four o’clock.


( )1. This pair of trousers are yours. ________________


( )2. Summer comes and it gets hot and hot. ________________


( )3. There are only three of us: my father, my mother and I._____________


( )4. How a beautiful kite it is! ________________


( )5. The history museum was in the left of the road before.______________



Do you know Xinhua Bookstore? I’ll s________ you the w________ to it. It’s on Zhongshan Road. It’s about 3km a________. Go a________ this street, and then turn r________ at the fourth crossing. You may see the bookstore on your l________. To get there f________, you can ________ a bus, No.6 bus. Get on the bus in f________ of the Bank of China and get off at the second stop. The bookstore is n________ to the city post office.



There ________ not ________ apple juice in the bottle.

I ________ to ________ some in the supermarket.


It often ________ here, and there ________ a lot of ________ ________ night.


Which ________ in Suzhou do you like ________?

Winter. ________ I can make ________.


Liu Tao is ________ the Internet in his ________.

He will ________ the Internet ________ two hours.


Does Tom ________ ________? Yes, and he ________ very ________.



David’s birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend. His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, “There are a lot of funny stories in it. It’s good for you.” Mike, David’s best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it. David’s sister gave him a round box. It was a birthday cake, he thought. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball. David’s brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it. “Go to your bedroom. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” David ran to his bedroom and found them on the bed. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.

( )1. David got no presents on his birthday.

( )2. There’s a basketball in the red box from David’s parents.

( )3. Mike gave six boxes to David.

( )4. There are six people in this story.

( )5. The model plane was in the biggest box.


姓名:John Smith

随行人员:John Smith的两个孩 子


所住宾馆:无锡 大饭店








抵达无锡的时 间:今天早晨8:30

今天无锡的天 气:晴朗

1. Where is John Smith from? _________________________________________

2. What’s Mr Smith’s job? ____________________________________________

3. What’s the weather like in Wuxi today? _______________________________

4. What are John and his children going to do this afternoon?


5. Will they visit Wuxi Xinhua School and go to Kunming by train tomorrow morning?



Dear Susan,

Thanks for your letter. It’s very nice of you to write ___1___ me. ___2___ your letter I know a lot ___3___ you and your school now. I will tell you ___4___ about me and my school.

I am eleven ___5___ old. I’m in ___6___ at Jinling Primary School. My mother is a ___7___, she works in a hospital near our house. My father is an ___8___. He’s good at his work.

There ___9___ 1,500 students and 100 teachers in our school. Our classrooms are big and bright. Please come and have a look ___10___ our school if you have time.


Wang Ying

( )1.A. to B. for C. from D. in

( )2. A. From B. For C. To D. About

( )3. A. in B. with C. at D. about

( )4. A. anything B. someone C. something D. sometimes

( )5. A. year B. / C. years D. age

( )6. A. Grade Five, Class Three B. Class three, Grade five

C. class 3, grade 5 D. Class Three, Grade Five

( )7. A. student B. doctor C. teacher D. housewife

( )8. A. farmer B. nurse C. engineer D. worker

( )9. A. is B. are C. was D. be

( )10. A. in B. on C. of D. at












